--- title: renoise published: 2024-09-30T05:25:45+0100 ---

Renoise is proprietary software, but offers a generous [free trial].

- [Effect commands] - [Global] - [Samples only] - [Any instrument] - [Retrigger volume factor] - [Volume column] - [Panning column]
## Effect commands [Renoise wiki](https://tutorials.renoise.com/wiki/Effect_Commands){.button} ### Global command meaning comment -------- -------------------- -------- `ZTxx` **T**empo in BPM `ZLxx` **L**ines per beat `ZKxx` Tic**k**s per line `ZGxx` Toggle **g**roove `ZBxx` **B**reak pattern goto **line xx** (?) `ZDxx` **D**elay pattern pause for **xx lines** ### Samples only These work in the local FX columns for samples. command meaning comment -------- --------------------- -------- `-Axy` **A**rpeggio x,y **first, second semitone** `-Uxx` Slide pitch **u**p xx **1/16th of semitone** `-Dxx` Slide pitch **d**own xx **1/16th of semitone** `-Gxx` **G**lide xx **1/16th of semitone** `-Vsd` **V**ibrato s,d **speed, depth** `-Ixx` Fade **i**n xx **1/256th of volume** `-Oxx` Fade **o**ut xx **1/256th of volume** `-Tsd` **T**remelo s,d **speed,depth** `-Cxt` **C**ut volume=**x** after **t** ticks `-Sxx` **S**lice number `-Bxx` **B**ackwards `-Exx` **E**nvelope offset set envelope, ahdsr, fader, & stepper offset `-Nsd` Auto pa**n** s,d **speed,depth** ### Any instrument These work in the local FX columns for any instrument. command meaning comment -------- -------------------- -------- `-Mxx` Channel volu**m**e `00` = -60dB, `FF` = +3dB `-Qxx` Delay playback Delay playback **xx ticks** `-Yxx` Ma**y**be retrigger Trigger with **xx probability** `-Rxt` **R**etrigger [Retrigger volume factor] every **t**ick #### Retrigger volume factor :::::{.inline} x change in volume --- ----------------- `0` No change `1` 3% lower `2` 6% lower `3` 12% lower `4` 25% lower `5` 50% lower `6` 33% lower cumulatively `7` 50% lower cumulatively ::::: :::::{.inline} x change in volume --- ---------------- `8` No change `9` 3% higher `a` 6% higher `b` 12% higher `c` 25% higher `d` 50% higher `e` 33% higher cumulatively `f` 50% higher cumulatively ::::: ### Volume column command meaning comment ---------- -------------------- -------- `00`-`7f` Volume/velocity `Ix` Volume fade in step **x * 10** `Ox` Volume fade out step **x * 10** ### Panning column command meaning comment ---------- -------------------- -------- `00`-`80` Panning 00 = left, 40 = centre, 80 = right `Jx` Slide left `Kx` Slide right
[free trial]: https://www.renoise.com/download